This standard specifies the requirements applicable to a responsible management system applied to the event activity. It allows us to control the social, economic and environmental impact of our services and our production laboratory.
Aspects concerning sustainable development are therefore not excluded and are an integral part of the internal policy.

This standard specifies the requirements applicable to a responsible management system applied to the event activity. It allows us to control the social, economic and environmental impact of our services and our production laboratory.
Aspects concerning sustainable development are therefore not excluded and are an integral part of the internal policy.

Plastic law came into force in January 2020, we now use more plastic containers.
Kraft cup for coffee, tea and soft in biodegradable cardboard.
Disposable plate in biodegradable cane fiber.
Wooden cutlery kit (for customer meal trays).
Customer meal tray in recyclable plastic and biodegradable cardboard.
Kraft lunchbox in biodegradable cardboard (in production).
Bodega verrine in bamboo fiber.
Laminated wooden dish with recyclable plastic lid (individual round dish for hot dish and salad dish).
Kraft tartlet box with PLA window (cardboard and biodegradable PLA window).
Wooden tray for vegetable basket, biodegradable .
Kraft wrap jar.
Kraft triangle sandwich shells.
Kraft straw .
Gobelet kraft pour café, thé et soft en carton biodégradable.
Assiette jetable en fibre de canne biodégradable.
Kit couverts en bois (pour les plateaux repas client).
Plateau repas client en plastique recyclable et carton biodégradable.
Lunchbox kraft en carton biodégradable (en cours de fabrication).
Verrine bodega en fibre de bambou.
Plat en bois en laminé à couvercle en plastique recyclable (plat rond individuel pour plat chaud et plat à salade).
Boîte à tartelette en kraft avec fenêtre en PLA (carton et fenêtre en PLA biodégradable).
Barquette en bois pour panier crudités, biodégradable.
Pot à wraps en kraft.
Coques à sandwich triangle en kraft.
Paille en kraft.
Le Pavillon Traiteur manufactures and markets cooked products. To avoid wasting food that can still be consumed at short notice, Pavillon caterer makes food donations to associations. These foodstuffs are unsold items from services whose use-by date is expiring.
Paper used for offices now sorted and recycled by our cleaning company.
Set up a hand dryer instead of hand towels.
Use digital instead of paper whenever possible.
Sustainable purchase: the company buys according to the real need, which limits our stock.
Installation of bins to recycle batteries and bottle caps.
Use of local and seasonal products to reduce the carbon impact.
Use of quality LEDs in the production laboratory.
Pooling of deliveries.
Certified Suppliers .
Promotion of purchases of products without individualized packaging.
Automatic lighting in the establishment.
Local employability: 90% of employees domiciled within 30km of the company.
Consideration of customer concerns regarding their social and environmental expectations + awareness of sales staff on the sale of seasonal products .
Responsible cleaning and aniosafe products.
Papier utilisé pour les bureaux maintenant trié et recyclé par notre entreprise nettoyage.
Mis en place d'un sèche main à la place des essuies mains.
Utilisation numérique à la place du papier dès que possible.
Achat durable: l'entreprise achète en fonction du besoin réel, ce qui limite notre stock.
Mise en place de bacs pour recycler les piles et les bouchons de bouteille.
Utilisation de produits locaux et de saison permettant de réduire l'impact carbone.
Utilisation de LED de qualité dans le laboratoire de production.
Our kitchen is entirely focused on the product. To respect it is to make you appreciate it. This is why, at Pavillon Traiteur, everything is homemade in order to guarantee you high quality dishes with preserved and magnified flavors.
The only thing that counts for us is the desire to make you rediscover the true taste of a ripe vegetable bursting with sunshine, a gourmet fruit or a light and airy cake.
This excellence in simplicity leaves you with a unique sensory imprint.

Pavillon Traiteur adapts to the desires and needs of its customers by also offering vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and allergen-free menus to satisfy all types of diets .
We consider that to make you appreciate the good products of the lands of the south of France and the Mediterranean, it is advisable to avoid any unnecessary transformation and as much as possible the use of artifices. Having opted for homemade allows us to reduce the salt in all our preparations.

Pavillon Traiteur has a 2000m2 production laboratory equipped with the best equipment.
A veritable space for creation, chefs can thus steam or vacuum cook, fry, roast and choose the cooking mode best suited to each product. This precision cooking relies on the know-how of our chefs who carefully manage each of these steps.
The cuisine of Pavillon Traiteur comes down to quality, lightness and naturalness : three essential ingredients to reveal tastes and flavors without overdoing it.
Pavillon caterer is committed to an eco-responsible approach at several levels of the company. Choosing to favor short circuits reduces the travel inherent in deliveries.
In this way, we limit our impact on the environment and our carbon footprint .